
Related Products

The GenderBasic projects is only one of the many projects that shape Ineke Klinge’s research programme ‘Gender in Health and Health Care’. In this research programme a range of products has been developed that are closely linked to the theme of GenderBasic and the integration of sex and gender in all aspects of biomedical and health related research. We have now uploaded and linked these products to this website.

Case study in manual ‘Why gender matters’

We have contributed a case study to the manual ‘Why gender matters – How to include gender into research projects’ This manual is designed to help researchers explore whether their research is truly unbiased, and whether research questions, methods and interpretations could benefit from being more precise in terms of women, men and gender issues. The manual and accompanying case study indicate ways of including the gender dimension into research projects and to designing more gender sensitive projects. You can find the case study and the manual at the website of the Central-European Centre for Women and Youth in Science, which is linked to below.
Case study: ‘Alcohol consumption and spatial awareness’ by Linda Nieuwenhoven & Ineke Klinge.
Manual: ‘Why gender matters – how to include gender dimension into research projects’ by the Central-European Centre for Women and Youth in Science.

Workshop gender excellence and ‘sexy’research

On the separate request of two organizations that wanted to stimulate the integration of gender and health research, Linda Nieuwenhoven and Ineke Klinge developed a workshop aiming at familiarizing scientists in the field of biomedical and health related research with the basics of conducting gender-sensitive research.
The workshop was originally developed for participants of a European nutrigenomics research project, NuGo (2005, 2007), and was thoroughly revised for an audience with broader research backgrounds at the Central-European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (CEC-WYS, Prague, 2007). The presentations of the latest version of the workshop can be viewed below. They are stripped of their lay-outs and the contents can only be used with prior written authorization of the authors:

Integrating a gender dimension in research Presentation Integrating a gender dimension in research (pdf)
The Gender Awakening Tool Presentation The Gender Awakening Tool (pdf)
Mainstreaming Gender in EU Research Presentation Mainstreaming gender in EU research (pdf)

Gender Awakening Tool / Bibliography Sex & Gender in Research

For the occasion of the WISER (Women in Science Research and Education) festival, in October 2007, Linda Nieuwenhoven and Ineke Klinge designed a booklet containing the Gender Awakening Tool. This is a checklist or step-by-step plan to assess if all relevant aspects of sex and gender have been considered in biomedical and health related research. The checklist can be used to prevent common pitfalls or shortcomings leading to gender bias in research. The booklet furthermore contains a bibliography with references of literature on the integration of sex & gender aspects in health research. The booklet can be downloaded through the following link. A hardcopy can be ordered from the authors by sending an e-mail to

WISER Booklet Download Gender Awakening Tool / Bibliography Sex & Gender in Research (pdf)

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