
The European Commission has published Research for Europe. A selection of EU success stories. GenderBasic was included among the 40 selected projects titled: Sex matters - in life sciences research.

Press Release: GenderBasic deemed 'success story' by European Commission/Pluim Europese Commissie voor GenderBasic 'success story'

Contractor: Centre for Gender and Diversity
Coordinator: Ineke Klinge, PhD
Project Management Team: Researcher: Madelief Bertens, MSc, MA
Gender Basic Expert Meeting
Gender Basic Expert Meeting, January 26-27 2007
Photo: Philip Driessen

FP6 Specific Support Action: GenderBasic: Promoting the integration of the gender dimension in basic research in ERA/FP7




The objective of GenderBasic is to ensure a better integration of the gender dimension in basic life sciences research. Considering the gender dimension in research means that attention must be given to both biological sex characteristics and to socially constructed gender characteristics of men and women and to the complex interaction between those characteristics.


In the Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6), the European Commission has adopted guidelines for proposals in Thematic Priority 1, Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health to ensure better attention to the gender dimension in research. Those guidelines are also relevant for Thematic Priority 5, Food Quality & Safety. These guidelines are based on the results and recommendations of the FP5 Gender Impact Assessment study of the Life Sciences Research Programme Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, that was carried out in 2000-2001 by Klinge and Bosch (Centre for Gender and Diversity, Maastricht November 2001). This study and its recommendations have thus turned out to be very influential.

For many researchers integrating attention to the gender dimension in basic life sciences research is a new challenge. Biological and socio-cultural differences between women and men may result in different epidemiological patterns and effect modification of diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic interventions. Above that researchers in the life sciences may encounter a variety of practical, methodological, conceptual, ethical or financial problems as they try to integrate attention to the gender dimension in their research. GenderBasic has the purpose to develop practical tools to help the researchers to tackle the problems as regards integration of the gender dimension in research in order to improve the quality of research and to meet the goals set by the EU concerning scientific excellence. To this end the following activities will be undertaken:


Participants in FP6 projects in the life sciences will be interviewed on their experiences with integrating attention to the gender dimension in research. Already developed good practices will be collected. A number of experts will be asked to write state of the art reviews on the ramifications of integrating attention to the gender dimension into basic and (pre) clinical research. An expert meeting will be organised with experts in basic life sciences research as well as methodological experts and gender experts. The participants will be challenged to present problems they encounter in their research practice and their own solutions to the issue. During the expert meeting these presentations will be discussed on the basis of realism and proportionality.

Expected results

On the basis of these activities realistic recommendations will be formulated for tools that are suited for the every day research practice and that will meet the goals as formulated in the science and society call FP6.

Special issue

Special issue
Bringing Gender Expertise to Biomedical and Health-Related Research
Ineke Klinge, Guest Editor
more information about the Special issues can be found here (Vol. 4, Sup. B, 2007).

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